Monday, December 7, 2009

Make Money Online

I have been following links and articles on this site, some are cool, curious and informative. There have been quite a number of articles on making money online. Having read quite a few I must say that they are mostly too limited in their approach. The writers only look at money from a singular perspective. To make money online requires a holistic approach. It is not about affiliate marketing or taking surveys alone but rather looking at them collectively. The main reason for this is that they are all in some way connected. Its only in taking a deeper look you see that the gambling site has an affiliate program, and the affiliate program is done for a porn site. The porn site is paying ameteurs for their videos. The videos are made by video cameras advertised on a shopping site, and the shopping site pays people to do testing of the products. Sounds like it, smells like it, then it must be it. The entire money making online business has a lot of linkages to each other. Check out the many money making opportunities and see for yourself. Visit this site; to see how many there are. I copied some of the points from the site below;

1. You don`t get something for nothing on the web. Sites will ask for anything from money, info, referral, emails, etc., so that they can make something in return for what you have given them.

2. You will most likely not become rich overnight; some will even lose what they have put out. So don`t go in expecting millions overnight - except of course, if you are gambling with millions.

3. Everything that you do online is for someone`s benefit. This can be from the internet provider, the webmaster, the search engine, etc... So whatever you do try to not make it too costly to yourself.

4. If a site says "free" and then requests a charge at the end then that should raise some questions in your mind.

5. Do not pay for money making business or otherwise online, before seeing samples, and having a clear understanding of what it is all about. Read the fine print

6. Some sites are set up to trick and mislead. These usually take to making fantastic claims about their earnings, the wealth they have amassed, and the potentials for you. One question that comes to mind is if they are succeeding and doing so well, why do they need you?

7. Be wary of any letters, emails, notification stating that you have won a jackpot, prize or lotto. If you haven`t entered how can you win something?

8. If you plan to pay and make money online it is good to have an online account. Do not use your credit card, etc online unless it is necessary. There are a lot of good online banking sites, such as PayPal.

9. If you intend to make money online have some realistic expectations of the amount you will earn. A pie in the sky cannot be eaten on earth.

10. Check out blog sites and other sites that rate or discuss making money online. There could be a wealth of knowledge and experience to assist you on these sites. 11. If you see an opportunity to make money online have a look at similar businesses online. This would give you an indication of the competition and the survivability of your business. 12. Whatever business you get into, try to have the perspective of you customer/client looking into to the businesses. In most cases what you don`t like for yourself don`t try to give/do to your client (within reason).

Visit this site to take a look at some opportunities for money making online.

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